
Computer Info Systems

Driving current technology!

CIS blends technology with information systems- it includes networks, the cloud, cyber security, information assurance & much more! Learn more ⟶


IT Certifications

The More the merrier!

What is a certification?  How important is it to be "Certified?" What IT certifications do employers value highly? Get the great job- GET CERTIFIED! Learn more ⟶


 Social Media 

Technology drives the platforms!

How do internet entrepreneurs and small businesses plan and implement social media marketing to increase their bottom line? Learn more ⟶

Raised Image
Raised Image

Remarkable student projects

In their final class, students at the University of Mount Olive participate in a team capstone project that represents new work and ideas; and, affords students the opportunity to apply and demonstrate the knowledge and skills that they have gained during their academic career. Current examples appear below:

Publishing: Shaping trending_up  the curve!

Staying current with technology is a formidable task.  Helping to shape the future is much more daunting. Publishing not only enhances one's knowledge in a particular field, but also it helps make one a better teacher by disseminating the latest knowledge and information to the people who need it.

power_settings_new peer reviewed publishing

make the Time !!!!  Publish or perish?   YES.   Embrace and  ENjoy it!

My recent publishing involves an IT certification classification matrix which can be used by companies to vet prospective employees. Read More

query_builder conferences

online conferences- zooming into the future!

Virtual conferences have been around for quite a while. The opportunity costs are high for attending traditional conferences...Read More

settings_backup_restore Work-in-progress

SM is so HIP!  Hundo p !!!!  karl's list: Help Wanted: publishing partner.   

Certainly, one of the hottest areas in the publishing arena concerns SM- ranging from the psychological impact on society to the ....... Read More

update Disseration results in my Ph.d.

booklet helped define  my future research & Career!

Teachers who have IT certifications will have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. Proven nearly 15 years ago in a study ..... Read More

I have the best job in the world...... not a job..... but a way & love of life! 

The University of Mount Olive is a Christian faith-based, values-centered private institution rooted in the liberal arts tradition. UMO serves the students, the founding church, and the communities.

Let's have some fun !

These images help define my character- it is a "grab bag" for the curiosity seekers. UPDATED: 8/1/2019

Door 1

Before you click the icon above, try to guess- my daughter with her favorite stuffed animal which is a ???????????????

Door 2

Where I browse to get the latest headlines on a daily basis. There is something here for everyone !!!!  RATED_PG13

Door 3

On the way up to the highest point East of the Mississippi- getting back to nature and hiking is a hobby that this person enjoys. Who is he ????????

Door 4

Church going conservative who is very patriotic, quite an artist and a great golfer but not perfect (get those grades up!!!) - who is she ???

Door 5

This is a website that has been censored by FB, Google, YouTube, Twitter and other major SM platforms; therefore, I go there.

Secret Door

One of my favorite things I cherish at UMO which takes place just before Thanksgiving and Easter- what is it?

Contact ME

If you would like more information regarding projects, research, collaboration, consulting or any other opportunitiues, please contact me via the link below. Thank you and all the best! Kar Reimers, Ph.D

And thank you for taking the time to contact me!